
Planting the seed and watchin’ it grow

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Forms

Make your job easier and more fun with our online form builder.

Handcrafted with love by

Forms are a stress and these days there is a form for everything. Or pretty much everything. For years, pieces of paper have been thrown around Appmani HQ like a hot potato. Or lost. Not ideal and we knew it. We knew that it wasn’t just us either.

What if people were doing this with our forms? We wanted people to fill out our forms. We wanted to collaborate the info easily. We wanted a paperless office. We wanted another cup of coffee.

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What about creating an
online form builder?

That was it. The seed was planted. We could do it.

After a bit of brainstorming, the team at Appmani soon came up with some fresh ideas to create a small online app. We thought we’d cracked it. A couple of months of software development and we’d have everything we needed. Just a couple of months...

18 months down the track and our software superheros are still coming up with more and more fresh ideas to grow Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Forms into what it is today.

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Create forms you can collaborate with your team, publish the contents and collect the information from the forms you created. It looks really cool too.

Fun has been a huge driving force behind the creation of Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Forms - It’s because of the fun and excitement of the new and fresh ideas that it has grown into more than what we ever thought it would be.

Work is easier when it’s fun.
Work is fun when it’s easier too.


Greg Nixon
Name *
Greg Nixon
Profile *

Rome wasn't built in a day, neither was Greg's empire .

Getting into computers back in the 90's, Greg is slowly growing his client base and ever looking to start up off shoots to corner emerging markets. Being full of energy and calm as a cucumber he enjoys hikes, soccer, squash and learning the guitar.

Co Founder

Tash Brechmanis
Name *
Natasha Coneybeer
Profile *

Being a project manager ain't no thing to Natasha, she is well versed at multitasking, handling the busy operators of a small business and its various divisions. Switching between software, hardware and development in a split second.

Natasha's love for Easy Peasy Forms is only surpassed by a pack McNuggets with sweet and sauce of course.

Want to meet the rest of the team?

Form Creation should be easy peasy