Online Forms are Easy Peasy
Online forms are taking the world by storm. For as long as I can remember everything has been filled out on paper. Come 2017, we have finally got an online solution to make things even better, it’s easy!
1. Time consumption decreased!
Rather than spending 30 minutes juggling around the different questions on Microsoft Word to fulfill your inner OCD habits Easy Peasy forms is COMPLETELY customizable. This means you’re in charge. No more magically losing words when you insert a photo, or two photos not fitting on the same page (this one used to drive me mad). With online forms none of this will have you pulling your hair out!
2. You won’t lose track of these forms
One of the best parts about using any online form is the fact you’re never going to have to worry about losing them! With everything stored securely in an online database you’ll be able to read through each form with ease.
3. Quick fixes for simple changes
Having an form online means a simple touch up in your template when a change occurs. Do you remember the good ol’ days when you’d have to sift through all your old documents to find say a job application you made 2 years ago just so you can make a little change. Then to make matters worse you’ve got to print another 50 copies to sit at the front desk. Those poor bloody trees! Well you’ll be smiling the next time you have to make a change and all that’s required is a login, change and bam! The form is live so she’s good to go.
4. Customize your fields
So now you’ve got the gist of how online forms can save time – and yano, the trees, which is a bonus. Let’s talk about how you’re going to get that content put in. If you take a look at the photo below you’ll see a heap of green boxes on the left hand side. We call these “fields” each field has a different job. For example on an application form the first thing you’re going to require is a name. All you’d need to do is drag the “name” box onto the form and there you have it. You can also make fields ‘required’ which means they can’t submit the form until that field is filled out. A little trick made for the me’s of the world who always forget to name their things.
5. Email, social media & link friendly
Now you’ve got your form and she’s all ready to go, so how do you send it out? The wicked part about this is you can publish links to various social media platforms such as Facebook & Twitter. For those who you’re looking to send the form specifically to, you can also email them a link, or copy the link and send it to them on any other platform. Just makes life a little easier don’t you think? Well there you have it. A life saving tool that’ll save you a ton of time.
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